Spring Break - School Closed
from 03/03/2025 to 03/14/2025

Montessori Method
Dr. Montessori emphasized the role of the environment in providing the necessary elements to sustain and assist children in their development.
The teacher's job is to prepare this environment according to the specific needs of the child, making the furnishings and activities accessible, presenting clear lessons on the skills and concepts needed at the different stages of development, and providing countless opportunities to work with the Montessori materials. It is precisely through concentrating in this type of work that children arrive to a state of self-discipline and joy.
Montessori also observed that the development of a human being occurs in stages. It is necessary that the specific needs of each of these stages be satisfied in order to ensure a successful and complete development of the human being:
Birth to 3 years - an unconscious stage of rapid growth and absorption.
3 to 6 years - corrective period; unconscious knowledge gradually becomes conscious; obedience and inner discipline become established.
6 to 9 years - child builds the academic, social and artistic skills essential for life; the seeds of knowledge are sown.
9 to 12 years - child eagerly learns with conscious mind; intellectual interest for a lifetime will depend upon the opportunities presented in this period; it is very important to include as much exposure to the culture as possible.
12 to 18 years - time for choosing more concentrated areas of interest; important period of decision.
18 to 24 years - time to consolidate the mature personality and become a specialized worker for the benefit of mankind.